Vinyl preorder estimates and updates
Not every pressing plant has the same time to press, on average it takes about 4 months.
Dead Calm - estimated for March, test pressings were approved
Midrift - estimated for April, test pressings were approved
Reasons - estimated for May, waiting for test pressings
To stay up to date with shipping progress, you can stay up to date with our posts on Instagram. We try our best to keep everyone informed with their orders, but patience is key and greatly appreciated.
If your order is sent back to us and you would like to have it re-sent there will be a $10 re-shipment charge. This is because we have to pay to take the package back, and then pay again to ship it back to you.
Combined Shipping
We understand that having to pay shipping fees for multiple different items can be annoying. A lot of our stock can be in several locations at one time, which makes combining orders for shipping either very difficult or near impossible. Due to this we can not combine shipping on most orders and you will just have to wait for your items to be shipped separately.
Refund/Damage Policies
Refunds can only be issued with a legitimate excuse. Requesting a refund shortly after an order can cause issues for small record labels like ourselves, as well as independent artists. If you want a refund, please note that you will accept approx. 90% of your total order value due to non-refundable PayPal/card processing fees.
We package our records with great care and will do our best to work out a solution if an order does arrive seriously damaged, but please do not request a full refund for something minor. (tiny corner ding on sleeve, a single pop/skip during vinyl playback etc.)
While unfortunate, seam-split damage on inner sleeves and minor ‘dings’ on vinyl jackets can not be treated as serious damage that require replacing or refunding.
Address Changes
If you require an address change for any order, please contact us via email here as soon as possible, regardless of your order being a pre-order or for something in stock.